1. How many types of section formations are there ? write the name.

Answer :-

(i) File Formation

(ii) Single File Formation

(iii) Diamond Formation

(iv) Spear-Head Formation

(v) Aero-Head Formation

(vi) Extended Line Formation

2. Write any five methods of estimating distance :-

Answer :-

(i) Unit Method

(ii) Mode of Appearance

(iii) Section Average Method

(iv) Range method

(v) bracketing method

(vi) Howling method

3. Why do things appear ?

Answer :-

If 6 S and 1 M are not used correctly, things appear –

(i) Shape      (ii) Shadow

(iii) Shine    (iv) Surface

(v) Spacing  (vi) Silhouette

& (i) Movement

4. Fill in the blank :-

(i) …………. to use the land and weapons to our advantage is it art ?

Answer :- Fieldcraft

(ii) Foreground …………. yards away ?

Answer :- 300 yards

(iii) When looking for a hill, the distance is …………. Is ?

Answer :- More than expected

(iv) When measuring the angle with the palm open to the ground …………. and clenched fist Measure …………. ?

Answer :- 19 degree and 8 degree

5. Why is the distance visible more than the actual ?

Answer :-

(i) low light

(ii) Sun is in front of the beholder

(iii) Looking through the valley

(iv) the size of the target when smaller than the near object

(v) When the beholder is looking from top to bottom

(vi) Raised ground between the observer and the target

6. The distance is less visible than the original ?

Answer :

(i) when the sun is behind the beholder

(ii) when the size of the target is greater than that of the near object

(iii) the ground between the observer and the target is buried

(iv) When the observer is looking up from the bottom

 (v) having more light

7. What is the procedure for land details ?

Answer :-

(i) Fore Ground

(ii) Middle Ground

(iii) Near Ground

8. Fill in the blanks :-

(i) Cover ………. What is the type ?

Answer – 2

(ii) Moves to ………. Can it be divided into parts ?

Answer – 2

(iii) Chemoflage is such an art by using ………. Achieved it goes ?

Answer :- Concealment

(iv) ………. The human head appears like a point on the yard ?

Answer :- 600 yards

(v) To show the target ………. Hands are used to indicate degrees ?

Answer :- Left handed

9. What are the modes of indicating easy targets ?

Answer :-

To remember this trick, let’s use the word GRAD –

G – Group

R – Range

A – Aid

D – Description

10. Write the meaning of Fire Control Order ?

Answer :-

To remember this trick, let’s use the word GRIT –

(i) G – Group

(ii) R – Range

(iii) I – Indication Of Target

(iv) T – Type Of Fire

11. Write Field Craft and Battle Craft in detail.

Answer :- To get success in the fight it is important to know about FC, by hiding your movements from the enemy, approaching the enemy and camouflaging your body and equipment according to the area in the same way and camouflage in every area. Before Chandi one thing should be kept in mind;

According to the area like –

(i) Taking care of sand in the local area

(ii) of snow in a snowy area

(iii) Grass or green leaves are used in the area where there is a dense forest.

Advantages of BC –

(i) Statement of ground marks

(ii) Field Signal

(iii) Platoon Formation etc.

12. Write True and False :-

(i) There are two types of petrol ?

Answer :- Correct

(ii) In patrolling, walk on a higher ground during the day and on a lower ground during the night ?

Answer :- Correct

(iii) Never try to avoid a fight while coming back from petrol ?

Answer :- Wrong

(iv) At the time of ambush, attack the enemy from the front ?

Answer :- Wrong

(v) The purpose of ambush is to obtain information from the enemy ?

Answer :- Correct

13. Write about different types of petrol :-

Answer:- It is of two types –

(a) Reiki Patrol –

(i) Gathering information on enemy position preparation and intentions

(ii) Collecting enemy identification, geographical and technical information

(iii) To collect information about the tendency and nature of the enemy

(b) Protective Patrol –

(i) Preventing enemy patrols from collecting information about their army and territory

(ii) Sending advance notice of the enemy’s arrival and engaging the enemy

(iii) Maintain your right on No Man’s Land

14. What are the types of land ? write their names ?

Answer :- 6 types –

(i) Flat Land

(ii) High Ground

(iii) Low Ground

(iv) Dead Ground

(v) Slopy Ground

(vi) Broken Ground

15. Fill in the blank :-

(a) Always look from the ……….. of the cover and not from above it ?

Answer :- From behind

(b) The art of using land and weapons as per their convenience is called ………. ?

Answer :- Field Craft / FC

(c) The basic strategy of infantry is ……….. ?

Answer :- Fire and Move

(d) The eyes and ears of the ………… ?

Answer :- Scout

(e) The method of briquetting is ………. ?

Answer:- Distance Estimation

(f) The two types of cover are ………… and ……… ?

Answer :- Barrier from sight and Barrier from fire

16. Write the methods of giving field signal at night ?

Answer –

(i) With the hand/weapon at the visible place

(ii) by sound in an invisible place

(iii) radio sets, ropes, cables and facilities thereof

17. Fill in the blanks :- ( 5 )

(a) Scout section consists of ………. and ………. ?

Answer :- Eyes and Ears

(b) Patrolling has ………… steps ?

Answer :- 2

(c) The jawans running in front of the section are called ………… ?

Answer :- Scout

(d) The open paw of the hand denotes ………… degree ?

Answer :- 19°

(e) What are the ………… methods of measuring distance ?

Answer :- 6

18. How many types of fire control orders are there ? write the name.

Answer – It is of 4 types –

(i) Opportunity

(ii) of preparation

(iii) Micro Fire

(iv) full fire

19. How many types of Ambush are there ? Write the names of its parties ?

Answer :- Two types –

(i) Opportunity Ambush

(ii) Deliberate / Prepration Ambush

four parties –

(i) Scouts   (ii) Covering

(iii) Stops  (iv) Reserve Party

20. What do you understand by Concealment ?

Answer :- This is the art of hiding from the sight and firing of the enemy with the help of natural scenes and figures. The main purpose of concealment in battle is to attack suddenly or to defend oneself.

21. Fill in the blank :-

(a) What are the types of section formation ??

Answer :- 6

(b) What are the types of fire orders ?

Answer :- 2

(c) With the help of hand can read ………… degree ?

Answer :- 19°

(d) Can you guess the distance up to ………… by the way of sight ?

Answer :- 600 Yards

(e) The trick for giving a fire order is ………. ?

Answer :- GRIT

22. What are the types of cover ?

Answer :- Two types –

(i) Cover From View

(ii) Cover From Fire

(i) Cover From View – Those figures which protect from the eyes of the enemy, where the enemy can be kept secretly and can be avoided from his sight. The jawan should use the cover carefully.

For example :- Cover of bush, vegetation or broken ground.

(ii) Cover From Fire – Those figures which protect from the fire and sight of the enemy.

Ex :- wall, big tree etc.

23. What are the principles/methods of field signal ?

Answer :- There are 3 ways –

(i) With Hand

(ii) With Weapons

(iii) With Whistle

24. Write True and False :-

(i) There are total 5 parties of ambush ?

Answer :- Wrong

(ii) Things are not visible due to movement at night ?

Answer :- Correct

(iii) The mine planting party is divided into 8 parts ?

Answer :- Wrong

(iv) Slit trenches are there to avoid air attack ?

Answer :- Correct

(v) The length of the LMG’s fire trench outside is 6 feet ?

Answer :- Correct

25. Write 5 hand signs ?

Answer :-

Following are the hand gestures :-

(i) walk fast      (ii) lie down

(iii) as it were  (iv) proceeding

(v) spread out   (vi) subside

(vii) follow me

(viii) run and walk

(ix) turn back

(x) Enemy is retreating

26. What are the functions of a scout ?

Answer :-

(i) It is imposed on the possible approaching routes of the enemy.

(ii) giving prior notice

(iii) taking initiative

(iv) Using the land properly

(v) Choosing a good firing position

(vi) Knowing about the field signal

(vii) to be a good target

(viii) having a good memory

27. Fill in the blanks :-

(a) The method of making the best use of available land and weapons is called ……… ?

Answer :- Field Craft

(b) The land which is hidden from the eye of the beholder is called ………… ?

Answer :- Dead Ground

(c) Maximum ……….. degree can be measured by hand ?

Answer :- 19°

(d) What are the types of section formation ………. ?

Answer :- 6 types

(e) Petrol is of …………. ( write name )

Answer :- There are 2 types ( Reiki and Protective )

28. Which subjects are included in field craft ?

Answer :-

(i) Judging Distance

(ii) Taking Covers

(iii) Camouflage & Concealment

(iv) Recognition & Indication Of Target

(v) Firing & Movement – Fire & Movement

(vi) Field Signals

29. Write any 5 fundamentals of proper use of cover ?

Answer :-

(i) Where the enemy can be secretly monitored and fire can be fired easily on him

(ii) from where the enemy can be monitored and his fire can be avoided

(iii) where it can be carried forward easily

(iv) Where one can remain in a comfortable position for a long period of time

30. Fill in the blank :-

(a) The basic infantry moves are ………… and ……… ?

– fire and move

(b) ………… degree is measured with open hand ?

– up to 19 degrees

(c) Platoon formations are of …………. Types ?

– three types

(d) The word ………… is used to indicate the goal ?


31. Why do things appear small ?

Answer :-

(i) when the sun is behind the beholder

(ii) when the size of the target is greater than that of the near object

(iii) the ground between the observer and the target is buried

(iv) When the observer is looking up from the bottom

(v) having more light

32. Name the different types of Grounds ?

Answer: – 6 types –

(i) Flat Ground

(ii) High Ground

(iii) Low Ground

(iv) Dead Ground

(v) Slopy Ground

(vi) Broken Ground 

33. What are the factors that make things visible ?

Answer :-

If 6 S and 1 M are not used correctly, things appear as –

(i) Shape       (ii) Shadow

(iii) Shine     (iv) Surface

(v) Spacing   (vi) Silhouette

& (i) Movement

34. Write the types of clause formation ?

Answer :-

(i) File Formation

(ii) Single File Formation

(iii) Diamond Formation

(iv) Spear-Head Formation

(v) Aero-Head Formation

(vi) Extended Line Formation

35. Comment short :-

(a) Patrolling – The surveillance of an area on foot or on a light vehicle is called patrolling.

(b) Ambush – Ambush is called ambush to attack suddenly by hiding on a moving or stopped enemy unit. The place has to be vacated immediately after ambushing.

(c) Raid – a short sudden attack on the enemy by military ships or planes Or a sudden attack of the police in search of criminals or illegal goods

36. Match :-

(i) forward (a) right arm fully raised above the head

(ii) Thumb (b) The elbow should be on the right side above the right head

(iii) Enemy is coming (c) Salute

(iv) come closer (d) extend the right arm from behind under the shoulder move forward

(v) understood the signal (e) with both hands open, palm inwards

Answer :-

(i) – (d) , (ii) – (a) , (iii) – (e)

(iv) – (b) , (v) – (c)

37. State the types of moves :-

Answer :- Two types –

(i) without a weapon

(ii) with weapons

7 Types of Unarmed –

(i) the movement of the monkey

(ii) the speed of the cat

(iii) Movement of the kitten

(iv) Cheetah’s speed

(v) lying on the stomach

(vi) by rolling

(vii) normal speed 

Weapons with 4 types –

(i) the movement of the monkey

(ii) the speed of the cat

(iii) by rolling

(iv) normal speed

38. Who is called Ambush ?

Answer :- A sudden attack on a moving or stationary enemy by hiding is called ambush (ambush). The act of ambush (ambush) involves making a sudden attack and getting out of there immediately. The best method of ambush (ambush) is to confuse the enemy and attack him.

39. State the purpose of power :-

Answer :-

(i) Collecting confidential information

(ii) reducing the number of enemies

(iii) troubling the enemy more and more

40. Write the characteristics of Ambush ?

Answer :-

(i) Surprise

(ii) Maximize use of control fire power

(iii) Simplicity

(iv) firm intention

(v) high standard of education

(vi) Self Defense