( Drill ) 

NCC A, B, C Certificate Exam Questions and Answers

1. What is drill ?

 Answer :- Drill the action to take any action in a proper way it is said.

 2. How many types of drill are there ? write the name ?

 Answer :- Two types –

 (i) Open Drill

 (ii) Close Drill

 3. What is Open Drill ?

 Answer :- It is done during battle in Field Area.

 4. What is Close Drill ?

 Answer :- It is during peace time at a certain place and for the NCC Cadets and Soldiers. It is done for teaching.

5. Fill in the blank :-

(i) National Salute is applicable to ………….

 Answer – President, Governor and Tricolor flag

(ii) On the quarter guard …………. The guards stand.

Answer – 8 Guards

(iii) General Salami …………. is given to the rank and above.

Answer – Major

(iv) In order of review …………. Steps have to be taken.

Answer – 14 Steps

6. Select True / False :-

(i) Salami weapon is given from Naib Subedar to Captain ?

Answer :- Wrong

(ii) Inspection always takes place in open line ?

Answer :- Correct

(iii) Turn back command is given on the left foot ?

Answer :- Correct

7. What is the purpose of the drill ?

Answer :-

(i) Turn out and fix bearings

(ii) Developing team spirit

(iii) To inculcate the spirit of leadership

(iv) To develop the spirit of discipline

(v) The feeling of patriotism among the cadets and the desire to work together develop capacity

(vi) instilling confidence

(vii) obeying orders

(viii) speed up the body

(ix) To teach to dress properly

(x) increase self-confidence

(xi) To strengthen the harmony of body and mind

8. Fill in the blank :-

 (a) An angle of ……….. degree is formed between the claws in careful position ?

Answer – 30 degrees

(b) Walk slowly in 1 minute walks ………….

Answer – 70 Steps

(c) is turned by ………… degree in right or left mood ?

Answer – 90 degrees 

(d) NCC girls cadets walk fast in ………….. steps per minute ?

Answer – 110 steps

9. What is the principle of drill ?

Answer :-

i. agility

ii. Stability

iii. work together

10. Write True and False :-

(a) 65 steps are taken in 1 minute while walking slowly ?

Answer :- Wrong

(b) If a platoon marches, only the platoon in-charge salutes and See the rest right/left?

Answer :- Correct

(c) Salami should not be given at the railway station ?

Answer :- Correct

11. Mention bad drill habits ?

Answer:- Bad habits-

(a) doing unnecessary acts

(b) rolling the eye

(c) dragging feet

(d) collision of heels

(e) to move the fingers in the boot

(f) kneeling

(g) lip shrinkage

(h) growing hair

(i) to grow a beard

12. Fill in the blank :-

(a) The length of the step in walking slowly is ………. ?

Answer :- 30 inches

(b) The distance between the ankles in the resting position is ………. ?

Answer :- 12 inches

(c) The word of command for thumb is given on the ………… foot ?

Answer :- Left

(d) Drill is of …………. Types ?

Answer :- 2

13. What are the advantages of drill ?

Answer :-

(i) turn out and bearings are good

(ii) Team spirit is developed

(iii) the spirit of leadership is awakened

(iv) The spirit of discipline is developed

(v) In the cadet, the feeling of patriotism and the ability to work together development takes place

14. Write True and False :-

(a) Girls cadet walks 116 steps per minute in a fast walk ?

Answer :- Wrong 

(b) The parade ends on the order of immersion ?

Answer :- Correct

(c) The drill was started by General Drall in 1666 ?

Answer :- Correct 

15. Things to keep in mind for drill ?

Answer :-

(i) The uniform should be neat, lacquered and ironed

(ii) Shirt and pants are properly stitched and buttoned

(iii) The uniform should neither be too loose nor too tight

(iv) Boots well polished and strapped

(v) The belt in the pants should be properly tied

(vi) Hair should be short and neatly cut

(vii) Beard should be properly cut

(viii) The cap should be properly fitted on the head

16. Fill in the blank :-

(i) NCC Girls Cadet in 1 minute in fast pace…………. steps and Boys Cadet walks …………. steps ?

Answer – 110 steps and 116 steps

(ii) The first step in the open line is taken by ……….. and the second step of ………. goes ?

Answer – Full & Half

17. Write True or False :-

(i) The length of a normal step is 27 inches ?

 – Wrong

(ii) The length of the step in the right-left walk is 12 inches ?

 – Wrong

(iii) There are 4 movements by turning back in a fast walk ?

 – True

(iv) The rifle is at an angle of 60 degrees with the rifle in rest position ?

 – Wrong

(v) Cane is of two types ?

 – Wrong

18. What is the difference between rank and file ?

Answer :-

The cadets in rank stand side by side in a straight line.

In the file – the cadets follow each other in a straight line covering from front to back. stand up.

19. Fill in the blank :-

(a) In a fast walk, we take out the ………… feet first?

Answer :- Left leg

(b) In turning back, ………… degree is turned ?

Answer :- 180 degree

(c) During the middle to fast movement of the inspection …………. steps are taken in front ?

Answer :- 14 Steps

(d) On the order of running open line, the next line will take ………… step forward and The previous line will take …………. step back ?

Answer: Two steps and two steps

20. What is the difference between immersion and line break ?

Answer :-

  • Immersion: – On this order, salute, if there is an officer, then a little After the pause, move out of the ground at a brisk pace, this ends the parade. order to do.
  • Line break: – On receiving this order, turn right and break the line. But the salute is not given, the cadets stay in the ground. There is a pause rather than an end of the parade i.e. 5 minutes break of 

21. Write True or False :-

(i) In drill, the order on the parade is given to the troops to appear in the parade ?

Answer :- Correct

(ii) does not fall again in immersion and the officer is not on parade It happens ?

Answer :- Correct

(iii) The walking speed of NCC cadet is 116 steps ?

Answer :- Correct

(iv) The command of a right turn is given on the right leg ?

Answer :- Wrong

(v) On the order of the right Saj, three steps go to the right ?

Answer :- Wrong

22. Write the method of immersion :-


(a) Salute in the right mood ( if there is an officer )

(b) stop by taking 3 steps forward

(c) go straight ahead and go off the ground

23. Fill in the blank :-

(i) The number of steps in 1 minute in a fast speed is …………… ?

Answer :- 120 steps

(ii) The number of cadets for the honor of the President is ?

Answer :- 150

(iii) The President is empowered to ……… and the Chief Minister to ……… ?

Answer :- National Salute and General Salute

(iv) While marching, the command of the word turned back is given on …………. ?

Answer :- Bye

(v) Drill started from the year ……………. ?

 Answer :- 1666

24. How many types of salute are there ?

Answer :- 2 types –

(i) with weapons

(ii) open hand

25. How many types of weapons are there with them ?

 Answer :- Salute with weapon 3 types –

 (i) Butt Salute

 (ii) General Salute

 (iii) National Salute

 26. How many types of salute are empty handed ?

 Answer :- Empty hand salute is of 3 types –

 (i) Front

 (ii) to the left

 (iii) to the right 

27. Tick the check :-

(i) From which position is the word of command always given ?

Answer :- With careful position

(ii) A careful positioning requires turning to change the margin ?

Answer :- 90 degree

(iii) The cadet is made to stand while sizing the height ?

Answer :- From left

(iv) How many steps do cadets walk in the open line ?

Answer :- One and a half steps

(v) Salute after walking how many steps while doing a fast right salute is down ?

Answer :- 5 Steps

28. What is the position of the standing sentry in the salami weapon and the armpit arm ? Salute to officers ?

Answer :-

Beside Arms – From Nayak Subedar to Captain

In salute – to the rank of Major and above

29. Dignitaries entitled to National Salute and General Salute write the name of ?

Answer :-

National Salute – President and Governor

General Salute – ranks above him including Chief and Major

30. Fill in the blank :-

(a) The word of command of them is given on the ………… foot ?

Answer :- On left foot

(b) On the orders of the guard caution, the guard becomes ………… ?

Answer :- Be careful

(c) ………… drill is done in the battle field ?

Answer :- Open Drill

(d) The squad rotates by ………… degree in half right mood ?

Answer :- 45 degree

(e) In a back turn, the squad rotates by ………… degree ?

Answer :- 180 degree

31. What are the parts of word of command ?

Answer – Two types –

(i) Executive

(ii) Cautionary

32. What are the characteristics of a good word of command ?

Answer :-

(i) spoken loudly and clearly

(ii) Speak in a simple and loud voice

(iii) speak quickly

(iv) there is some difference between the words of the two parts 

33. Fill in the blank :-

(a) The rate of speed of NCC cadets in 1 minute is …………. ?

Answer :- 116 Steps

(b) A distance of ………… inch is covered in running open line ?

Answer :- 45 inches

(c) Officers above the rank of ………. is given to ?

Answer :- Major

(d) The length of the step in a fast speed is …………. Inches ?

Answer :- 30 inches

(e) The angle between the toes in the careful position is ………… degree ?

Answer :- 30 degree

(f) In turning back is there a turn of ………… degree ?

Answer :- 180 degree

34. The strength of the cadets for the Guard of Honor for the President and What is the structure ?

Answer :-

  • Nafri – 150 Cadets
  • Structure – 3 Line ( Division )

35. The strength of the cadets for the Guard of Honor for the Prime Minister and What is the structure ?

Answer :-

  • Nafri – 100 Cadets
  • Structure – 2 Line ( Division )

36. Fill in the blank :-

(a) What are the ………… types of words of command ?

Answer :- 2

(b) To bring the body to a state of rest, given the command of the word ……… goes ?

Answer :- Easy

(c) The length of the step in fast running is ………….. inches ?

Answer :- 30 inches

(d) In careful, the angle between the legs is of ……….. degree ?

Answer :- 30°

(e) Drill is the foundation of ………. ?

Answer:- Discipline

 37. What do you understand by line break ?

Answer :- On receipt of this order, turn right and break the line. on this order Salute is not given, cadets stay in the ground, this is not the end of the parade There is a pause state.

38. But Salute is applicable to whom ?

Answer :-

From Nayak Subedar to Captain Sahib

39. Where did the drill start ?

Answer :- From Germany

40. Fill in the blanks :-

(a) The step of ………… inch is taken forward in the sentence from the right ?

Answer :- 15 inches

(b) The order consists of two parts ………… and ………. ?

Answer :- Warning and Executive

(c) The word of command of them is given on ………… foot ?

Answer :- On Left Foot

(d) During the saluting weapon from arm shastra, there is a ………… movement ?

Answer :- 4 movements

(e) In the careful position, the angle of ……… ?

Answer :- 30° 

41. How many movements will you take in order to walk the open line ?

Answer :- 3 movements

42. What is the position of the rifle before it comes to rest ?

Answer :- Tol Sastra 

43. Write True False :-

(a) 1 minute 110 steps are taken in slow speed ?

– wrong

(b) Is the left leg raised at rest ?

– True

(c) There is a distance of 12 inches between the two feet in careful position ?

 – wrong

 44. What is Squad Drill ?

Answer :- When there is normally a test, then by making a squad of 3 people. When we go to give the test, it is called Squad Drill.

 45. In which position does the movement work above the waist ?

 – in a comfortable position

 46. ​​Fill in the blanks :-

(a) While placing an order the ……….. and ……….. are taken care of ?

Answer :- Be careful and rest

(b) If there are less than ……….. cadets fall in a line.

Answer :- 6

(c) ……….. steps are taken in running.

Answer :- 180 Steps

(d) At the time of immersion the squad ………… rotates ?

Answer :- Right side

(e) The President of India is entitled to ……….. Male Guard ?

Answer :- 150

47. What do you understand by immersion ?

Answer: – On this order turn right, salute (if any officer) After a short pause, go off the ground at a brisk pace. it to the parade Order to end.

48. Write True or False :-

(a) Thumb in careful position against the stitching line on the trouser/trouser side Must be compatible ?

– ( Correct )

(b) the angle between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand while saluting Should be 15 degrees ?

– ( Wrong )

(c) On command right turn we should turn 90 degree left ?

– ( Wrong )

(d) The cap badge should be along the center of the forehead, between the two eyes ?

– ( Wrong )

(e) In order to move fast, we should move the left hand forward ?

– ( Wrong )

49. Which ‘dignitaries’ are given ‘National Salutes’ ?

- To the President and the Governor

50. What is the word ‘order’ for ‘dressing’ ?

– Decorate

51. Fill in the blanks :-

(a) Distance from heel to heel in resting position and from toes to toes Distance ………. Is ?

Answer :- 12  inches and 18  inches

(b) Girls NCC Unit 1 Minute………. Steps walks ?

Answer :- 110 Steps

(c) What is the length of a step in a slow walk ?

Answer :- 30 inch

(d) open line in next line prev line distance ……….. step It happens ?

Answer :- 5 Steps

(e) NCC Cadet Quick March In 1 Minute………. Steps walks ?

– 116 Steps

52. Write Definition :-

(a) Right Spectator :- Three lines Right Spectator Forest Right Stands, The ‘action’ is called ‘right’ audience

(b) Open Line Walking :- When Parade VIP InspectionI Open Line walks action done goes

(c) Wall A Line Become :- When We in Parade Carat Long Right Short Bye By doing